Nomination Instructions
1. No more than three individuals will be considered for an Award in the Basic or Clinical category. Nominators for the Basic or Clinical Award should provide:
a. A short citation (30 words or less) that highlights the discovery that opened a new field of research (Basic Award) or the advance that has improved the lives of thousands of people (Clinical Award).
b. A concise summary (150 words or less) of your nominee(s)'s scientific contributions to this research.
c. A description of how the nominee(s)'s work represent a major advance in either the basic or clinical sciences and how his or her original contributions that led to this advance (900 words or less).
d. A list of other scientist(s), in addition to your nominee(s), who should be considered for this award, and why. Please Note: The Jury considers this question a crucial one, and nominations without a complete answer to this question will be returned (450 words or less).
2. Special Achievement Awards are intended to honor a single individual. Nominators for the Special Achievement Award should provide:
a. A short citation (30 words or less) that highlights the nominee’s career in research worthy of this Special Achievement Award.
b. A description of the outstanding achievements of the individual and the reasons why he or she is deserving of Lasker recognition (900 words or less).
3. All nominations must include the following additional information, which may be uploaded as part of this online submission:
a. A brief one-page biography, including major awards received by each nominee.
b. A one-page list of six (6) peer reviewed journal references that substantiate the statements made in your nomination. Do NOT submit reprints.
4. No more than five (5) letters of support per nomination will be accepted. Letters in support of Basic nominations should address the nature of the nominee(s)’s discoveries, and how those discoveries have opened up a new area of biomedical science. Letters in support of Clinical nominations should address uniquely innovative contributions of the nominee(s) that have advanced patient care for many thousands of people. Letters of support can be either uploaded as part of this nomination package or mailed separately to the following address:
Lasker Medical Research Awards
Attention: David Keegan
405 Lexington Ave., 32nd Floor
New York, NY 10174
5. Previous nominations will not be automatically carried forward. If you wish to re-submit such a nomination, please do so by completing a 2025 nomination form with all pertinent previously submitted material, including updated letters of support and any significant new developments.
6. Nominations and all supporting materials must be received by the Foundation no later than Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 9 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time.
PLEASE NOTE: The Lasker Foundation does not accept self-nominations.